It's the first question our customers ask: "How do I get started with messaging?", and it can appear to be daunting. But putting aside any personnel processes your business may need to update, utilising a messaging platform and migrating your customer service to it is surprisingly easy! We'll show you how.
Start by updating your website
Always begin with the basics: Your "Contact Us" page. Along with other means of communication, such as a phone number or form submission, your contact page should first and foremost mention your messaging channel. This may be an SMS line, a WhatsApp number, or a direction to use your Webchat widget. We suggest putting this in bold text at the top of the page, as anyone wanting to make a quick enquiry will likely choose the quick option: messaging.

This example also features a QR code dedicated to Mandarin Chinese speakers (if this was your largest non-English customer base, for instance). These customers know to simply scan the code, and it will direct them to message your business in Mandarin via the number on their device. QR codes have become a go-to solution during COVID-19 and are one of the most recognisable images available to get a customer engaging.
You may also consider adding an SMS line to the header of your site, so that customers on desktop and mobile easily identify your preferred channel.
Have an existing customer base? Message them a "Hello!"
Now that your site is message-ready, you should reach out to your customers. If you have a database of customer phone numbers, this is the perfect opportunity to notify them of your new service, as well as promoting your business.
Consider a coupon promotion, an event invite, or other sales-converting activity that lets customers know you're thinking of them. And don't forget - let them know they can reply to you!
Jeeves.Plus offers both customer service messaging as well as broadcast messaging, and these messages can be automatically personalised with each customer's name or other information that you have on file. Use it to drum up business. 98% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes!

With customers now replying, you can utilise this data immediately by looking for trends, reviewing frequently asked questions, and identifying new paths to purchase.
Which channels should I use for messaging?
Where to start can be decided based on whether any channels are already in use. If you're already seeing customers messaging via Facebook Messenger, we suggest migrating this channel to Jeeves.Plus first, as well as adding either an SMS number or a Webchat feature to your site.
When you have multiple channels being utilised, all will be streamlined through your one Jeeves platform, making life easy for your operators. Customers will also be able to communicate via any channel, and their message history will be synchronised into one - what better way to quickly refer to previous interactions!
Migrating existing channels will also enable you to have multilingual conversations in our 109 automatically translated languages, so no customer misses out on a purchase or a good experience from your team.
Thinking about migrating to messaging?
We'd love to hear what challenges you're looking to overcome in your customer service or marketing! Jeeves.Plus can but customised for any business, with as many or as few messaging channels as you'd like, including:
Facebook Messenger
Google Business Messages
Get in touch via phone or SMS on +61 419 371 555 or click the buttons below!