Case Study:
Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains
Our solution at a glance...

Average of 215 unique SMS inquiries per month from in-room guests since launch

The most popular languages have been English, Filipino, Romanian, Arabic and Portugese
Scanning an in-room QR code makes room-service inquiries simple, and automated with keywords

"It's been an absolute pleasure working with Jeeves as a company and we see great things ahead."
- Rory Douglas, Assistant General Manager Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains

The Solution
Jeeves.Plus worked alonside Douglas's team to come up with a simple solution: QR codes on in-room cards, accompanied by keywords for frequent guest requests.
"QR codes have become a universal language for travellers around the world - we all know what they mean regardless of our language" says David Hayes, CEO of Jeeves.Plus. "With a scan of the card, guests in the Fairmont Resort are able to chat with staff directly, and our platform automatically translates 133 languages back-and-forth - so there's no communication barriers" says Hayes.
Douglas also acknowledges that "this allows us to capture conversations that previously we may not have been having [with] guests where English is a second language, and they haven't felt confident enough to engage in a face-to-face dialogue with our team members."
Jeeves.Plus also provided automated responses to FAQs, which we listed as keywords on the in-room card. For most hotels, FAQs are a major source of calls to concierge. These can be as simple as:
In-room dining
Guest facilities
Nearby attractions
Laundry services and so on
"Guests see the QR code. They can quickly scan in and create that instant dialogue and have those queries answered." says Douglas.
"This has greatly reduced our call volumes and time, and increased guest access to our hotel information."
Hayes also notes that "when we saw the potential for QR codes in every room, it made sense to have them throughout the resort as well. The guests recognise them and their purpose, and it provides this seemless access to staff wherever they go."

How the Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains Implemented SMS Messaging for In-Room Guests
Guests visiting the Fairmont Resort can expect to be surrounded by breathtaking panoramic views of the Blue Mountains, luxurious accomodation, as well as a range of fine dining options.
They also expect the exceptional customer service that befits a 4-star resort.
Providing a positive, round-the-clock guest experience can be difficult for even the most well-staffed establishments. But the power of messaging means that hoteliers can dedicate more time to guests in-person, and less time on booking changes, frequently asked questions, and ultimately - time-chewing phone calls.
For Rory Douglas, the Assistant General Manager of the Fairmont Resort, he saw potential in implementing Jeeves.Plus for the purpose of reducing strain on staff.
"Since the Covid Pandemic, our industry has faced a resourcing challenge, but our guests have been returning, expecting the usual standard of service that we pride ourselves upon here at the resort." says Douglas.
"We've seen a real need to reduce our phone call volumes, and phone call times, to ensure that we have smooth and easy conversations with our guests."
Long Term Benefits
The benefits of messaging are also in the data business's obtain. This data can be used to provide better customer experiences, or to improve outreach and customer retention.
"We are able to look into the text conversations that we're having with our guests to find out what are the frequently asked questions, what is it that our guests are needing to know about the resort." says Douglas.
"We've been able to build a database of mobile numbers for future marketing opportunities, but the main thing is we've been able to create conversations between guests and staff, and that's what it's all about."