According to the latest Roy Morgan Research, roughly 12.7 million Australians use WhatsApp on their smartphones. That's more than double the usage of Facebook Messenger (6 million) and over three times more prevalent than WeChat (4 million). But while the use of WhatsApp in Australia is growing rapidly, marketers are still missing out on its potential.
"The messaging app ecosystem is a powerful marketing channel that brands have exploited for years. In 2018, there were 27 billion messages sent via WhatsApp daily - and this number continues to grow as more people adopt mobile devices. Now, businesses no longer require costly advertising funds to market their products thanks to this conversational marketing feature," says business consultant and funding specialist Olivia Jones of Askfunding.
With so many messages being sent daily across such a large audience, it makes sense for marketers to look at ways they can use messaging apps as part of their overall strategy – especially considering that these platforms offer numerous benefits.
Taking Advantage Of The E-commerce Potential Of WhatsApp
You might wonder how using WhatsApp Commerce can help you take advantage of the e-commerce potential. Here are a few highlights:
WhatsApp is a great marketing tool. You can use it to promote your products or services and keep your customers up to date with new products as they're released.
WhatsApp is an excellent customer service tool. It lets you communicate with customers easily by sending them messages, responding in real-time and answering questions about their orders or purchases without having to wait on hold for hours at customer service call centres.
WhatsApp is a great sales tool - not just because it enables you to sell goods directly through your business profile on the app but also because it allows you to create campaigns through which people can follow along with what's happening inside their favourite brands while also receiving exclusive deals from time-to-time via push notifications! This makes them feel like they belong somewhere special.
Linking Channels with Jeeves.Plus
The base platform of Jeeves.Plus allows all businesses to utilise the ease and universal nature of SMS for their communications and marketing. But Jeeves.Plus also connects all platforms into one streamlined messaging service, including WhatsApp.
Many businesses connect with customers via multiple channels, such as Facebook Messenger and Google, and using a multi-channel platform allows them to never miss a message, and send deliveries in bulk.
Regardless of whether you're already using multiple channels, you can get started with Jeeves.Plus immediately with a customised platform that only caters to the needs of your unique strategy.
To find out more, get in touch with our team for a personalised quote or hassle-free demonstration. We look forward to hearing from you.